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Valentine's Day trinkets
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Nova Star Design's Twisted Heart
A beautiful little charm which may or may not encapsulate a more tumultuous of relationship. If your relationship is a tad tempestuous then this is for you!
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Harryapeman's Hand Heart
We found this neat design over at Shapeway, this beloved hand gesture, favourite of Gareth Bale, can be fashioned into a lovely necklace
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Hot Pop Factory
Hot Pop Factory's Kissing Booth
If you're in the Toronto area the 3D printing jewellers have set up a novel 3D scanning and printing booth to immortalise your love in statue form.
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Mortinus' Candy Heart's
We know them in the U.K. as Lovehearts but stateside they're known as Candy Hearts, Thingiverse offers these tokens of love with any message you like on them. Unlike the chocolate head though they're not edible!
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Fab Cafe Chocolate Head
If you're in downtown Tokyo head to Fab Cafe to get your head 3D Scanned and turned into a rather odd looking chocolate. We're sure your partner will gobble this up!
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Forever Alone
Maybe you're a singleton and you'd like to get yourself a 3D printed gift. Well how about everybody's favourite internet meme Forever Alone to keep you company during these dark winter months?
The gooiest, most heart-warming, fulfilling day of the year is upon us… PANCAKE DAY! Unfortunately we’re not printing pancakes just yet, perhaps next year?
However there’s a slightly more important day for some just two sleeps away, yes, Valentine’s Day. The monetising of the heart is big business, where there’s money to be made you can be sure there’s some quirky entrepreneurs not far behind.
If, like me, you’re struggling for a gift for your undeniably better half how about a 3D printed trinket? Prove to your partner that you’re ahead of the curve; chocolates that aren’t 3D printed versions of your head are for suckers!
Check out this selection of our favourite 3D printed Valentine’s gifts, from the weird to the wonderful to the downright mean in the slideshow above!